Share a very wonderful Rolex

Rolex is the only. Table head has been oxidized. I saw that for a long time to wear a piece of old watches. When a gold watch strap and the back cover is the dog's head. Head of the head of the head of the mark. We will not feel very strange? Happened, I encountered such a very strange table. Model 68238, number w02278 First w prefix, across the 94-96. This happened to coincide with the transfer of the dog's mark and the Queen's mark. This table only laid the two mark of the times. Very wonderful. Say the model. 68238. I have access to all the information available in the market, whether chrono24 or ebay. Even in previous years of the auction. None of this so-called 68238 appeared. This watch is 31 discs. Table friends all know: 31 rolex replica classic gold no more than the 68,278 or 178,278. About this watch model only. Baidu with the information are not found, let alone pictures. Anyhow, through Google's image search, found two very similar table. A gold engraved ring drill, a face plate sapphire dial dial with a drill. However, this section and the hands of ring differences. According to personal experience to do a small analysis summary. First: the replica watches table ears are four corners of the original mosaic drill. Second: face plate scale surrounded by drilling. Third: the original model for the dog ring. Not a drill ring. In order to verify the original watch from one side, sent to the labor service to do a comprehensive maintenance. The beginning is still relatively uneasy, but live up to hope. The garments took over the watch and finished the maintenance. The maintenance really took the original capital. . . . But is also expected to meet. 1: Restores the dog ring. Abnormal sharp. 2: mirror repair done to replace the mirror 3: watch wash oil 4: the first table to do a re-polished strap. (I buckle the Crown handle slightly dissatisfied, grinding too hard) Although the rolex replica has been back in the hands and carries joy. But still doubts about this model is still heavy. Why 24 and ebay and even the major auctions are no such models more information. And discard the limited edition of the consideration. Whether the process is due to the mosaic and disk technology, Rolex do less so the world surface survival and circulation less? I want to know more. Also please Xu board and greatly enlighten you.