【Decryption】 Rolex's mysterious alchemy

Watch is inherently class attribute, and this is the best embodiment of the case material. There is no doubt, k gold watch is a luxury replica watches uk the most significant feature. Modern watch with the most gold is 18K gold, not 24K, mainly in order to meet the hardness and other mechanical strength requirements. Watch industry production of precious metal watch brands are numerous, but Rolex is thriving. Rolex in the end the precious metals, what kind of mystery, can be swept for decades? Eternal Platinum - Not Allergy-Free Yellow Platinum Technology Many people do not know, in fact, there are two platinum processing technology, one is the use of nickel as a colorant, the other is used in most of the watches, the more rare palladium into gold. Platinum and stainless steel has a similar luster, but it is the real "nobility", and thus more low-key. In addition, the stainless steel contains nickel metal, will make some people allergic reaction. Therefore, platinum containing palladium is more compatible with the human body. Rolex is how to make elegant platinum comfortable to wear? This is to mention the Rolex European patent EP242758, the new manufacturing of platinum technology - nickel and copper-free platinum. ▲ rolex replica platinum In the manufacture of platinum, the traditional process to be mixed with copper, but the use of platinum platinum, there are many problems. In the manufacturing, the cooling rate of gold and copper difference too much in the fusion process is easy to precipitate, the fusion is not good also lead to uneven hardness and can not control the damage. The uneven appearance of copper, making the alloy color effect is affected, but also easily oxidized discoloration. The Rolex found a new platinum formula that is now available in 75.1% gold, 20% palladium in the same precious metal, 1.5% metal zirconium and niobium metal and contains trace amounts of 0.002% to 0.006% rhenium. This metal rhenium, the melting point is three times the gold reached 3180 ℃, used to be used to manufacture artificial satellites and rocket shell, atomic reactor protection board and other special purposes. It is with this new technology support, Rolex dare to use platinum as the main hit. ▲ Rolex 34 mm white gold pearl ladies watch Eternity rose gold - not withering roses Rose gold in recent years has become a precious metal ring upstart. Moist red light, as many women's heart love. Rose gold color magic is derived from the mysterious proportion of copper-silver alloy. When the copper content of more than 18%, silver content of about 4%, the alloy showed bright red. If the copper content of 6% and silver content of 15%, the color becomes lighter, showing pink. This is a very mature technology. However, the biggest challenge facing rose gold, I believe many of my friends have been found in the process of wearing, and that is the color of the persistence can not be guaranteed. ▲ rolex rose gold Our daily life, will come into contact with water, sea water, swimming pool water, salt water and even soapy water, although these solutions and the stability of the gold will not react, but with copper and silver produce chemical reaction, resulting in rose gold will gradually bleak , Red more and more shallow. In order to retain the beautiful red and gold, rolex replica has a unique patent. European patent EP1512766, the secret of the alloy is that the addition of 0.5% to 4% platinum, especially when the copper content is equal to 15%, the platinum content can not be 0.5%. After adding platinum, the copper content can be increased to 22% to 23%, showing a strong Rolex unique deep red gold. ▲ Rolex 39 mm eternal rose gold pearl ladies watch The more mysterious, the more fascinating, which is the charm of Rolex. Since its inception in 1905, Rolex with 111 years to establish the world's most loyal fans. In addition to sophisticated top-level Observatory certification, sturdy classic oyster-style case design, Rolex and more unknown secrets waiting for people to explore